Re: syslog/udp

Dave Hayes (dave@elxr.Jpl.Nasa.Gov)
Tue, 22 Feb 1994 17:13:37 -0800

>   If you are running syslogd on your machine and you dont receive
> remote logging to that machine you should probably consider removing
> the remote function of the program.  Besides being another possible
> security risk a person may easily corrupt your audit logs though
> this port.  It is quite easy to send fake messages to the syslogd
> at any facility and level.  An easy way to fix this would probably
> be to change the line:
>     int nfds, readfds = FDMASK(funix) | inetm | klogm;

What exactly is the problem? How can we, who are without source code,
change this behavior?
Dave Hayes - Institutional Network & Communications - JPL/NASA - Pasadena CA         ...usc!elroy!dxh

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